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2017 PA Autism Needs Assessment: Your Voice Matters

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In 2011, ASERT (Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training), a statewide initiative funded by the PA Department of Human Services Bureau of Autism Services, completed the first Pennsylvania Autism Needs Assessment. Currently, they are conducting their 2017 follow-up Autism Needs Assessment. The information collected will help stake holders across Pennsylvania to better understand and address the needs of individuals impacted by autism. By contributing to this assessment, you can ensure that your voice and experiences are represented in the assessment data that will be shared with other families, researchers, treatment professionals, administrators, and legislators.

The ASERT Collaborative is a partnership of medical centers, centers of autism research and services, universities, and other providers of services involved in the treatment and care of individuals with autism and their families. Its mission is to enhance the lives of Pennsylvanians with autism of all ages and abilities by:

-improving regional access to quality services and interventions

-providing information and support to families

-training professionals in best practices

-facilitating connections between individuals, families, professionals, and providers

You can find more information, as well as the results to the 2011 Autism Needs Assessment at

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