
Empowering Children and Their Families by:
Focusing on functional skill areas that impact the entire family
Providing high-intensity personalized training in the family's home
Teaching parents and caregivers how to set and achieve goals
Achieving outcomes that:
increase their child's functional independence
improve the quality of life of the entire family
How We Do It
Our interventions assimilate reinforcement-based treatment strategies that have been replicated and refined across decades of applied behavioral research from home, educational, and clinical settings. This research, not the revenue-based model of conventional service delivery, guides our practice. After an initial phone or email conversation and completing our intake questionnaire, we meet with families in their homes to discuss the strategies and procedures we will teach them to achieve their desired outcomes. We then provide the family with intensive in-home training, guiding them as they implement procedures with their child. We typically provide families with around 40 hours of training across 3-5 days, and continue to provide ongoing tele-consultation until they and their child have met their goal and achieved new levels of functional independence.
Your child will learn to:
Eat new and non-preferred foods
Incorporate these foods into their regular diet
Sit at the table and eat meals together as a family
Your child will learn to:
Use the bathroom when taken by a caregiver
Approach caregivers and communicate the need to use the bathroom
Your child will learn to:​
Independently access his/her communication book
Discriminate between and select pictures for preferred items & activities
Approach caregivers and give them picture of desired item/activity
Your child will learn to:​
Fall asleep independently each night
Sleep through the night
Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Authorized Continuing Education (ACE) Provider
Workshops tailored to suit the individual goals and capacities of your school or organization
From 90-minute lecture-style overviews, to full-day workshops that prepare parents & professionals to implement treatment strategies with the children and families they support, our workshops focus on the process of translating research to practice in four functional skill areas (feeding, toilet training, communication, & sleeping)